Outbreaks of ominous sirens
Concentrated in corrugated iron ridges
Erectly cradled in water rusted discoveries
Publicly seeded in the devastation of black soil
Spitting busted grapes
A tornado of the rotten blowing torrent winds at cotton fibres
There's fear amongst the stiffly practiced
There's fear in the corroded defence of fan folded tongues of serpents freely looting streams of lost words adrift in a heaven devout of faith
My afterbirth is lost in the placenta of thought
These umbilical cords wrapped around my head
Crowned my temple in life symbolic
Fingering circles in amniotic fluid
Painting reproductions courtesy of stark silences
Strangers to closed stores
Stock taking emotion but the inspiration is free
And the failure??
Absolutely gorgeous
Ridding lite flares
They rival us to fireworks
Mingled reassurances
Bless them for being wise enough to look away
Like down town streets flowering rooms with crack pipes
Gasp at the audacity
You're all so precious
and equally as fickle
Telling tales of grave stained addicts
As you lean over the counter giving me my Prozac
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