To want to see the best in people, is why most of us keep trying. Sometimes those same efforts are also the reason we wear heartache like a Scarlet A- stained indefinitely by naively hopeful premises. I only hope that my girl children have an easier time discerning between the real and the fake. Always remembering that to care is never a mistake.
Also keeping in mind that charisma and confidence have the potential to sell you any number of dreams for as long as you are in the market.
Anyway, good and honest people will always exist though, just last night he tells me, " Ahhh shit, I think you're going to make want to be your best friend"...That remains the sweetest thing a heterosexual male has said to me yet. Not, "You're beautiful..." No. A simple, "I like you as a person". And THOSE are the true gifts of having an open heart

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